Landing Page

We are a community garden in the Codman Square neighborhood of Dorchester, on Greenbrier Street.  

We welcome you to join us!

The site is owned by Dorchester Gardenlands, and is being managed by a group of local residents. There are about 20 assigned plots that gardeners can use. Most years we have a few open plots to accommodate new gardeners. In the front of the site is a strip of City-owned land where we tend to a perennial flower garden that was newly established in 2017.

Over time, we hope to bring in more neighbors and build a space in our community that provides recreation and enjoyment for many people, beyond just those who garden at the site.

Please get in touch if:

  • You'd like to get your own plot for gardening (newer gardeners welcomed! We can share tips and even supplies!)
  • You'd like to help with the perennial flower garden
  • You have ideas on community events you'd like to help plan at the site.

The cost to garden your own plot is $25 per season. This covers the seasonal water bill and other supplies as needed.

To participate, we do ask that gardeners with their own plot or who garden with the group show up regularly to garden, and help to steward the space.

Contact us by emailing: